Halloween 2023 Sticker Pack


Behold adhesive magic! 11 stickers ranging from 2in to 3in tall, including three killer glow-in-the-dark variations. Tis the season!!

- 1975 Square
- 1975 Slayer
- Spooky the Ghost (clear w/ white sheet)
- Spooky the Ghost (clear with no sheet)
- Spoopy the Vampire - (Glow in the dark)
- Spoopy the Vampire - (solid white)
- Doom Skull - head-on (Glow in he dark)
- Doom Skull - head-on (Glow in the dark)
- Skully - (profile) - white - 3in
- Skully - (profile) - Glow - 3in
- Skully - (profile) - white - 2in

(Some new variations SHOULD be arriving this week and will be included as well!)

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